People get anxious and scared as the date of their laser eye surgery approaches. And that’s okay. It is typical for patients to cloud their minds with many assumptions concerning how they will have a problem-free session during laser eye surgery.

Indeed, the thought that a surgeon would make an incision in your eyes can wreck your nerve, causing you to experience mental stress before surgery. You don’t have to panic, no matter the stage or level of your vision imperfection. Instead, what’s most important for you is to ensure you make proper preparation to prevent poor performance.
Before enrolling for laser eye surgery, it is essential to research what is expected of you and your surgeon. More so, your research will give you foreknowledge and put you at ease as you patiently wait for the date to come.
Additionally, adequate preparation will help you have a smooth surgery session. It also contributes significantly to the overall outcome of the procedure. From experience, surgeons prefer working with a patient who knows what to do and has kept all the rules before entering the surgery center.
To help you have a successful laser eye surgery, here are the things you need to do in preparation for the surgery.
Things to Do When Preparing For Laser Eye Surgery

1. Make sure you are a good candidate
For the records, laser eye surgery is not for everyone. There are a few criteria that determine whether you will be eligible or not. You need to visit an optometrist for proper examination and recommendation to know your eligibility.
Ideally, a complete evaluation of your eyes will involve a series of tests for vision and prescription testing, corneal thickness and mapping, eye pressure and pupil dilation, and more. At first, you may find loads of tests somewhat intimidating. But, if you work with an experienced ophthalmologist, the tests are easy and painless.
Before an optometrist recommends laser eye surgery, you must have gone for a consultation. The professional will examine your eyes to know your overall health condition. In case of deficiencies, he would administer adequate treatment until you are fit for the surgery.
When your health is confirmed perfect, the optometrist will then recommend you for an expert ophthalmologist who performs the surgery. Before you can have the surgery, you must have ticked all the following standards:
- You must be above 18 years old
- You must not have an eye infection
- You must not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- You must have thick corneas
- Your prescription range must be stable
If you comply with the above criteria, you are good t proceed with laser eye surgery.
2. Expose your medical history
Before your doctor recommends you for laser eye surgery, he would have invited you over for a serious discussion. During the interview, you must be sure to provide all information about your medical history, whether it seems necessary or not. Visit to read about Most FAQs about Laser Eye Surgery for First-timers.

Your doctor needs to know everything about what you have been through medically, even from childbirth. However, he has been there with you. So, you will do well for yourself by helping your doctor with every detail. There is nothing like excess information when answering your doctor’s questions. You must be truthful with your answers and provide evidence and reports on request.
Tell your doctor about any medication you regularly take, legally or illegally. If you also have some allergies, it is better to expose everything. In all, ensure you feed your doctor with adequate information to make him know everything about your medical history. That way, you are preparing to have an effective laser eye surgery.
3. Stop wearing makeup
When your laser eye surgery date remains about two or three weeks, you may have to stop wearing makeup. The aim is to keep your eyes area clean and debris free. Meanwhile, makeup contains some substances that may be harmful to the eyes. So, you may have to stay away from it when the surgery date approaches.

Before you go for laser eye surgery, wash your face thoroughly but gently to ensure there are no traces of makeup left over on your face. Your doctor will advise you on the exact date you need to start going natural and teach you what to do to make yourself look attractive when going out without makeup.
4. Stop wearing contact lenses
Suppose you have been wearing contact lenses to correct your vision. In that case, t is best that you switch to eyeglasses at least one week before laser eye surgery. You may stop wearing hard lenses four weeks before the surgery if you wear them. The reason is that contact lenses can alter the shape of your cornea. Since contact lenses are worn close to the eyes, it may cause inaccurate measurements making the surgery less effective.
Suppose you must stop wearing your contact lenses about a month before the surgery. In that case, eyeglasses can be your best option to enjoy corrected vision before surgery.
5. Keep your face away from creams and lotions
About a week before laser eye surgery, stop applying creams and lotion on your face. In a nutshell, keep away from moisturizers and other substances that can make your face feel glossy. Besides, facial treatments can cause infection when they come in contact with your eyes.
6. Get comfortable clothes for the day
You cannot afford to wear something that would make you uncomfortable for laser eye surgery. Though the process takes less than 30 minutes, you still need to wear clothes that can make you warm as the laser technology operates at a lower temperature. Before the surgery date, you may have to select the actual cloth you are wearing to the surgery center. You can read more about Eyes – laser eye surgery by clicking here.
It is essential to rest for several hours before laser eye surgery. The best way to achieve a good rest is to keep off your electronic devices like mobile phones, computers, television, and more. You can also download some podcasts on your favorite topics or other materials that can entertain you and listen for long hours. It is also good to contact your surgeon during your preparatory period for a professional guide.