Life After LASIK: What to Expect During the Recovery Period

Life After LASIK: What to Expect During the Recovery Period

If you’ve recently undergone LASIK surgery or are considering it, understanding what to expect during the recovery period is crucial. LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is a common refractive surgery that can significantly improve your vision and reduce your dependence on glasses or contact lenses. While the procedure itself is relatively quick, the recovery process is an important phase that requires patience and care to ensure the best possible outcome.

Understanding the LASIK Procedure

It’s important to clarify that LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is not a procedure for cataracts. LASIK is a refractive eye surgery designed to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism by reshaping the cornea. On the other hand, cataracts are a separate eye condition where the natural lens of the eye becomes clouded and necessitates cataract surgery for treatment.

To better understand the LASIK procedure and cataract surgery, here’s an overview of each:

LASIK Procedure:

  1. Evaluation: The patient undergoes a comprehensive eye examination to determine their eligibility for LASIK and to create a personalized treatment plan.
  2. Anesthesia: Numbing eye drops are applied to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure.
  3. Corneal Flap Creation: A thin, hinged flap is created on the cornea’s surface using a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser.
  4. Corneal Reshaping: An excimer laser is used to precisely remove microscopic amounts of corneal tissue, reshaping the cornea to correct the refractive error.
  5. Flap Re-positioning: The corneal flap is gently repositioned, typically without the need for sutures.
  6. Recovery: Visual improvement is often immediate, with full stabilization taking a few weeks.

Cataract Surgery:

  1. Evaluation: The patient is evaluated to determine the extent of cataract development and overall eye health.
  2. Anesthesia: Numbing eye drops or local anesthesia is administered to ensure the patient’s comfort during the surgery.
  3. Lens Removal: A small incision is made in the eye, and the clouded natural lens is broken up and removed, typically using ultrasound (phacoemulsification).
  4. Intraocular Lens (IOL) Implantation: An artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is inserted to replace the cloudy natural lens.
  5. Incision Closure: The incision is closed, often without the need for sutures.
  6. Recovery: Visual improvement after cataract surgery is typically rapid, and patients often notice clearer vision soon after the procedure.

In summary, LASIK and cataract surgery are distinct procedures that address different eye conditions. LASIK corrects refractive errors, while cataract surgery treats the clouding of the natural lens. If you have cataracts and are experiencing vision problems, it’s essential to consult with an ophthalmologist to determine the appropriate treatment, which may include cataract surgery. LASIK is not a suitable treatment for cataracts.

glasses model

The Science Behind LASIK

At its core, LASIK relies on the principle of refractive error correction. Refractive errors occur when the shape of the cornea or the length of the eyeball prevents light from focusing directly on the retina, leading to blurred vision. By reshaping the cornea, the laser helps to redirect light onto the retina, resulting in clearer vision.

The laser used in LASIK surgery is meticulously programmed to remove microscopic amounts of tissue from the cornea, allowing for precise and controlled modification. This targeted reshaping aims to correct the imperfections that cause visual issues, enabling patients to enjoy improved visual acuity without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Preparing for Your LASIK Surgery

Proper preparation for LASIK is crucial to ensure the best possible outcome and a smooth recovery. Your ophthalmologist will provide specific instructions tailored to your unique situation, taking into account factors such as your overall health and any pre-existing eye conditions.

One important aspect of preparation may involve refraining from wearing contact lenses for a specific period before surgery. This is because contact lenses can alter the shape of the cornea, potentially affecting the accuracy of the laser treatment. Your ophthalmologist will advise you on how long you should avoid wearing contacts prior to the procedure.

Additionally, arranging transportation to and from the clinic is essential, as your vision may be temporarily blurry immediately after the surgery. Having someone accompany you can ensure your safety and comfort during this time. It is also important to follow any dietary restrictions, if applicable, as advised by your ophthalmologist. Visit to read about Everything You Should Know About Laser Eye Surgery.

By carefully following the pre-operative instructions provided by your ophthalmologist, you can help optimize the success of your LASIK surgery and pave the way for a smooth recovery process.

Immediate Post-Procedure Experience

After LASIK, you will likely experience certain sensations as your eyes begin to heal. It’s important to remember that everyone’s experience may vary:

When it comes to the first few hours after LASIK, it’s crucial to be aware of what to expect. Immediately after the procedure, your vision may be blurry or hazy, and you may experience a mild burning or itching sensation. These symptoms are completely normal and typically subside within a few hours. It’s crucial to resist the temptation to rub or touch your eyes during this time, as it can interfere with the healing process.

As you move forward in the days following the surgery, there are some common sensations and symptoms that you may encounter. One of these is dryness. It’s not uncommon for your eyes to feel dry or gritty as they heal. This sensation can be managed with the use of lubricating eye drops, which your doctor will likely recommend. These drops can help provide relief and promote healing.

In addition to dryness, you may also experience sensitivity to light. Your eyes may be more sensitive to bright lights or sunlight, and you may find it helpful to wear sunglasses when outdoors. This sensitivity is temporary and should improve as your eyes continue to heal.

Another temporary symptom you may notice is a change in your color perception or halo effects around lights. This can occur due to the changes in your cornea’s shape after LASIK. While it may be a bit disconcerting at first, rest assured that these changes are typically temporary and tend to resolve within a few days to weeks.

It’s important to keep in mind that these sensations and symptoms can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience them more intensely or for a longer duration, while others may have a smoother recovery process. Your eye doctor will provide you with specific post-operative instructions and guidelines to follow, ensuring that you have the best possible outcome.

The Recovery Timeline: What to Expect

It’s important to have realistic expectations regarding the recovery timeline after LASIK. While the majority of healing occurs within the first week, complete stabilization and optimal vision may take several weeks to months:

After undergoing LASIK surgery, you may be eager to experience the full benefits of improved vision. However, it’s essential to understand that the recovery process takes time and patience. Your eyes need time to heal and adjust to the changes made during the procedure.

The First Week After LASIK

During the first week, your vision will gradually improve as your eyes heal. However, it’s normal to experience fluctuations in vision during this time. Your ophthalmologist will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your eyes during this crucial period.

One important aspect of post-LASIK care is the use of medicated eye drops. These drops help prevent infection, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Your ophthalmologist will prescribe specific eye drops tailored to your needs. It’s crucial to follow their instructions diligently and administer the drops as directed.

In addition to using eye drops, you should also take precautions to protect your eyes during the initial healing phase. Avoid activities that may put your eyes at risk, such as swimming, contact sports, or using hot tubs. These activities can increase the chances of infection or injury to your healing eyes.

Long-Term Healing: Weeks to Months

Over the course of several weeks to months, your eyes will continue to heal, and your vision will stabilize. It’s important to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your ophthalmologist to ensure the healing process is progressing as expected.

During these follow-up appointments, your doctor will evaluate your progress and address any concerns you may have. They will perform various tests to assess the stability of your vision and the overall health of your eyes. These tests may include visual acuity measurements, corneal thickness evaluations, and examinations of the corneal flap created during the LASIK procedure.

While most patients experience significant improvements in their vision within the first week, it’s important to remember that everyone’s healing process is unique. Some individuals may require a longer recovery period to achieve their desired visual outcomes. Your ophthalmologist will closely monitor your progress and provide guidance and support throughout the healing journey.

It’s also worth noting that certain factors can influence the speed and quality of your recovery. Factors such as age, overall health, and the severity of your refractive error can all play a role in the healing process. Your ophthalmologist will take these factors into account and provide personalized recommendations to optimize your recovery.

In conclusion, the recovery timeline after LASIK is a gradual process that requires patience and adherence to post-operative care instructions. While the first week is crucial for initial healing, it may take several weeks to months for your vision to stabilize fully. By attending follow-up appointments and closely following your ophthalmologist’s guidance, you can ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

Post-LASIK Care: Protecting Your Eyes

After LASIK, taking proper care of your eyes is crucial to protect the results of the surgery. Here are some essential eye care tips to follow:

Following your LASIK surgery, it is important to prioritize the health and well-being of your eyes. By adhering to a few simple guidelines, you can ensure a smooth recovery and maintain the best possible vision.

Essential Eye Care Tips

1. Follow your ophthalmologist’s instructions regarding the use of prescribed eye drops. These drops play a vital role in preventing infection and promoting healing. By carefully following the recommended dosage and frequency, you can optimize the benefits of these medications.

2. Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes, as this can disrupt the healing process. It may be tempting to rub your eyes when they feel dry or itchy, but doing so can introduce bacteria and increase the risk of infection. Instead, use artificial tears or consult your ophthalmologist for appropriate remedies.

3. Wear protective eyewear, such as sunglasses, when exposed to bright sunlight or dusty environments. The intense UV rays from the sun can be harmful to your eyes, especially during the healing phase. By wearing sunglasses with UV protection, you can shield your eyes from potential damage and discomfort.

4. Avoid using eye makeup, especially during the initial healing phase. Cosmetics can introduce bacteria and irritants to your eyes, hindering the healing process and increasing the risk of complications. It is best to wait until your ophthalmologist gives you the green light before resuming the use of eye makeup.

Follow-up Appointments and Check-ups

Your ophthalmologist will schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and address any potential issues. These appointments are vital to ensure that your eyes are healing properly and your vision is stabilizing. During these visits, your ophthalmologist will evaluate your visual acuity, check for any signs of infection or inflammation, and make any necessary adjustments to your post-operative care plan.

Additionally, these appointments provide an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. Your ophthalmologist is there to support you throughout your recovery journey and will be more than happy to address any uncertainties or provide guidance.

Between appointments, it is essential to pay attention to any changes in your vision or any unusual symptoms. If you experience persistent redness, pain, or a sudden decrease in vision, do not hesitate to contact your ophthalmologist immediately. Prompt communication can help identify and address any potential complications early on, ensuring the best possible outcome for your vision.

Potential Complications and How to Address Them

While LASIK is generally considered safe and effective, it’s important to be aware of potential complications that may arise:

Common Side Effects and Risks

Following LASIK, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as dry eyes, glare, halos, or fluctuating vision. These are usually temporary and diminish over time. However, if these symptoms persist or worsen, it’s essential to consult with your ophthalmologist for appropriate guidance.

When to Seek Medical Attention

In rare cases, more severe complications may occur. If you experience significant pain, worsening vision, or any other concerning symptoms, contact your ophthalmologist immediately for further evaluation. Prompt medical attention is crucial in addressing potential complications.

In Conclusion

Life after LASIK can bring a renewed sense of freedom and improved vision. While the recovery period may require patience, following your ophthalmologist’s instructions and taking proper care of your eyes can enhance the healing process. Remember that every individual’s experience may vary, and attending all follow-up appointments is essential to ensure optimal results. With time, you can expect clearer vision and a life liberated from the limitations of glasses or contact lenses.

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

Sometimes we get donations that are made ‘in memory of loved ones. Quite often these come via the Funeral Directors as the donations are made in lieu of flowers at funerals. We are truly touched and grateful to receive these donations at what must be a very difficult time for all concerned.

We also receive donations from those thinking of the loved ones they lost on a certain date and you can be assured that we are very grateful as all our donations are put toward helping those with throat cancers.

Whether the donation will be made directly from the family and individuals or via the Funeral Director, you can specify a message that we will happily add to our “Absent Friends” page on the website. We can also add a picture of your loved one if you would like us to.

When sending in your donation please include a short letter explaining who the donation is in memory of etc…

If you also include your name and address, we can send you an acknowledgment letter to confirm that we have received the donation and that it has been put into the fund you required.

Please make cheques payable to:

“20-20 Voice” Cancer

Leave a Legacy

Leave a Legacy

As with most charities, “20-20 Voice” Cancer relies on the kindness of all those who donate time, money & energy, but leaving a legacy; ie donating to a charity in a will is not something that many people really think about these days.

However, these days it is a simple matter to create your own will, or, if a complicated set of instructions be the case, then there are plenty of solicitors at hand who specialize in such matters and advise quite comprehensively indeed.

We ‘lays’ are still able to tell the tale-thanks to modern technology, ie, electrolarynx, etc. We are a species apart for we have that ability, despite losing our voices, to carry on and rebuild our lives. Indeed, many ‘lay’ return to work some months after their major operation-and all credit to them for that!

We know that medical equipment is expensive but we also now know the power of the “Flexi-Video-RhinoLaryngoscope” (VFR) and the exciting prospects it offers in saving the trauma of losing the voice box, but we also know the horrendous costs involved to purchase. At £15,000 apiece they are not cheap.

“20-20 Voice” Cancer, having now purchased the much-needed FVR at almost £14,000, know only too well that we need every penny we can get in order to buy more of this vital sort of equipment and pay for the support that new plays need, for you can be sure of one thing, and that is that after we have left this earthly world there will be plenty more head, neck & throat cancer sufferers following in our footsteps.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know that we have left a little something to help those who may have to go through some (or all) of what we have been through and that ‘little something has made their particular journey a whole heap easier?

Who knows, we might, with modern technology updating every week, have made that vital contribution that has saved cancer victims from losing their ability to speak!

That’s how far medical aid is progressing and that is what you can help to achieve with your generosity in your last will & testament. We are a species apart in the world of cancer for we have been, we have seen and some of us are still able to tell the tale.

Can YOU help someone after you’ve gone?

Simple Will rules (a guideline)

1… A share of your estate. After you have provided for your loved ones, you can leave a share of what remains to charity. This is known as a ‘residuary gift’.

2… A cash gift. This is when you leave an exact sum of money to us. It’s known as a ‘pecuniary gift.

3… A specific item or item gift. Over the years charities have received everything from a stream to antique jewelry. The point is that whatever the item is, that item can be transposed into a cash gift for the charity.

4… A gift in trust. You can leave a gift for someone to use over a period of time. When the time has ended, the gift can be passed on to other recipients, such as a charity.

Important: Make sure that YOU give your assets to the people and cause you to love them most, don’t think “oh I’ll let them sort it out when I’m gone” or family frictions may set in. Worse still, without a Will detailing your wishes, your whole estate could end up belonging to the Crown or government.

Write a Will to keep control after you have gone, you know it makes sense!

Alternatively, people are now being asked to send the favored charity a cheque instead of spending money on flowers for the deceased’s funeral. This is an excellent way of ensuring that your loved one’s wishes are carried out with the minimum of fuss and if it is decided that we are to benefit from a loved one’s passing then simply make any cheques out to:

“20-20 Voice” Cancer (and post to)
37, Windley Road,

Please don’t forget that we are here to help, no matter what the problem may be and we can always be contacted on 07757-382970 or by text (same number).  Remember that whoever answers your call may have a speech impediment or it may be a ‘bad line’, so please try to be patient. Alternatively, you can use our secure email service and we will answer you as soon as humanly possible.

Say Hi to Ray Coates

Say Hi to Ray Coates

“Who’s he then?” I hear many of you ask. Well, folks, Ray is one lucky gentleman for he feared the worst back in 2008, went to see his GP, and, luckily, was referred straight away for tests, etc. They found what Ray had feared – Cancer. The journey starts here:

Cancer of the tonsil/s is somewhat rare but with fast, expert treatment it can be eradicated and the voice saved-which is a far better outcome than many of us could ever hope for! Not only has fast, but the expert treatment also saved Ray’s voice, it has left him with the ability to carry on his love of music and singing!

I have met with Ray, who lives in Aylesbury, and welcomed him to “20-20 Voice” Cancer, and in return, Ray has not only become our Aylesbury/Bucks representative but also our ‘anthem‘ as we promote his heartfelt song “The Voice Within” to raise not only our profile but funds as well. Ray is currently completing an album which will go on release sometime soon. He has his own facebook page for you to visit.

Please check out the links provided and read all about this courageous man who has retained the ability to entertain us all through song. Ray has a theatre (singing, not medical  ) appointment looming and also school play performances as well as growing media attention.

Absent Friends

The end of August 2015 saw us suddenly, and sadly, saying goodbye to Bob Ratts of Barwell, Leicestershire. Larger than life itself, Bob was not one to shrink from a challenge and although suffering from breathing problems and using a mobility scooter when necessary, Bob was the life and soul of any occasion! Indeed, so popular was the man that the Queen’s Head (Barwell) is commissioning a plaque in his memory to sit on the wall where ‘he drank’ – there can be no fairer testament than that!

Any family death is a major shock, especially a sudden death, but we must be grateful that Bob simply went to bed as normal on Tuesday night, 24th August….. and simply never woke up the next morning, thus he knew no pain, any discomfort, but simply passed peacefully into that world which knows no ills, nor worries, nor troubles-only heavenly bliss. Those left behind have to bear the strain and our deepest sympathies go to his wife Pat, his daughter Tracey, her brother Lee & grandson Jack (who idolized his Grandad), and, of course, the rest of the family.

The funeral was held at Nuneaton Crematorium, Monday 7th Sept  –  free to attend if you can. There will be a celebration of Bob’s life in The Queens Head, Barwell, after the funeral and the family has kindly asked for donations (instead of flowers) to be sent to this charity by cheque or online at  which means that Bob’s name will continue through the work we do

To Bob Ratts, the man that was larger than life, may you rest in peace, my friend!

nb: the family has asked for any donations to go to the  “20-20 Voice” Cancer charity – you can log on to their MyDonate page here. Thank you.

I can now tell you that family & friends raised a superb £237.03p regarding “Bob’s Bash” and that sum is gratefully received by this charity which will continue to work hard to help head & neck, cancer patients. Thank you all.


In early February (2014) we had to say a sad farewell to Ann Burrows, wife of Jim Burrows who lived in Loughborough and was firm supporters of “20-20 Voice” Cancer and made sure they attended whatever functions were held at the Fennel Street Club in Loughborough. Family & friends collected monies to go to our charity as that is what Ann & Jim both wanted. We thank you for that as we near our target-may you rest in peace Ann.


We have to say goodbye to our friend Mick Hollis who passed away on Dec 18th in the LRI. Mick was suffering from mouth cancer. The funeral was held on 6th Jan 2014 and those attending have kindly donated £130.00 to “20-20 Voice” Cancer-for which we are very grateful indeed. The sooner this awful type of cancer is detected at a far earlier stage, the sooner we begin to save people from unnecessary suffering.

Our sincerest condolences go to his partner Jo Rate, who says that she is going to hold a car boot sale in Mick’s name when the weather is warmer-what a lovely gesture this is.


Helen Willson  (11/4/53) who lived in Barrow-upon-Soar with her husband Rob, sadly passed away on August 4th, 2013 after fighting this awful disease for 12 months.

I have received a delightful letter from Helen’s husband, Rob, who tells me that he is convinced that “had his wife been diagnosed in far quicker time, she would still be here with us”-apparently “it took 5 long months from seeing her GP to ‘radio/chemo’ beginning”: that is far too long folks!

Family & friends had kindly (at Rob’s behest) donated to the “20-20 Voice” Cancer Appeal as they too want faster diagnosis in the future so that people with throat cancer (or possible throat cancer)  do actually have the chance of life and with the fantastic piece of equipment that we are almost in a position to purchase this is something that we firmly believe in ourselves and are actively pursuing-with all due speed & diligence.

Rob has kindly granted me permission to print these details so I would like to add, for all those who wonder why they struggle to swallow properly, sleep properly, sound croaky for no apparent reason, have an irritating ‘tickly’ throat/cough constantly or any other puzzling symptoms relating to this area, to get to your doctor and insist on an emergency 2-week appointment at the Leicester Royal Infirmary (or whatever your local hospital maybe) and get checked out, for there has been a dramatic 600% increase in throat cancers over the past decade.

I would also point out that Helen was virtually tee-total & never smoked yet became a victim of this terrible disease; the above statistics point out why! So never think ‘it can’t happen to me!

We now know that early detection is the key and that is why we are so grateful to brave people like Rob and his family/friends who take our line of thought and want to help us to diagnose this disease BEFORE it takes a monster hold of a loved one!

Helen, may I just say that your passing will not be in vain, for your life will be celebrated by all those that are to come,  through the work of the “20-20 Voice” Cancer Appeal, but they will all benefit from the knowledge and vital equipment gained along the way; it will be your legacy to others. R.I.P Helen.


April 1st saw one of our stalwarts leave us as Gordon Hipwell passed away after a short stay in the hospital, caused after suffering a stroke, from which he never really recovered. Gordon had been a ‘lary’ for a good number of years and always attended the Leicester Lary Club meetings, on the last Wednesday of every month, with his wife Brenda.

Gordon was 82 and leaves behind his loving wife Brenda, son Michael & 3 grandchildren to whom we offer our sincerest condolences. The funeral was held at Enderby Parish Church, Thursday 18th of April.


Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to old friend Norman Martin (87) who passed away peacefully Monday, 17th December 2012. Our sincerest wishes go to Norman’s family and hope that 2013 is a better year for them all.


Sadly we have to say goodbye to our friend & fellow ‘lary’

“Sandy” Robson

aged 66, (born Alexander Robson) passed away on 16th July 2012.
“Sandy” underwent a laryngectomy in 2005, giving him a new lease of life which he enjoyed with vigor, especially trips to the caravan at Skegness. The funeral is to be held at Loughborough Crematorium on Tuesday, 31st July @ 2.45.

“Sandy” wanted no flowers, instead it has been requested that donations be made to benefit fellow head & neck, cancer patients. This can be done very simply by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button online, contacting us online at [email protected]

or sending your cheque to “20-20 VOICE” Cancer (at 37, Windley Road, Leicester. LE2 6QX)

Of course, we at “20-20″ send our sincerest condolences to Phyllis, Mandy, Annette & Martin, and the many friends that Sandy left behind. We  would like to re-iterate his friend (Mick Stevenson) words – “Sandy might be gone, but he’ll never be forgotten, I’ll tell ye that”